Fun Latin Quotes "There is no great thought in the world today that was not thought of by a Greek."
"Nihil sub sole novum."- There's nothing new under the sun (Vulgate, Ecclesiastes I.10)
"Veritas vos liberabit"- The truth will set you free
"Nil sine magno labore"- Nothing without great effort
"Mihi cura futuri"- I care for the future
"Volens et potens"- Willing and able
"Firmo et tueor"- I heal and watch over
"Dum spiro, spero"- While I breathe, I hope
"Cogito ergo sum."- I think, therefore I am. (Descartes)
"O tempore! O mores!"- O the times, o the values! (Cicero)
"A mari usque ad mare"- From sea to sea (Canada's national motto)
"Grandescunt aucta labore"- By work all things increase and grow