Mr. Hollar's daily words and phrases 1. Desultory- not stationary, leaping or jumping around
E Pluribus unum- out of many one2. Nebulous- not clear, vauge or confusing
Carpe Diem- live life to it's fullest, seize the day3. Preposterous- very silly
Alma mater- (school) foster mother4. Procrastinate- put off, save for tomorrow
Caveat Emptor- let the buyer beware5. Recalcitrant- be disobediant or rebelous
Mens sano in corpore sano- sound mind and a sound body6. Gregarious- comfortable in groups, sociable
Status quo- as it stands, stay the way it is7. Egregarious- away from the group, unsociable, extra terrible
Modus operandi- method of operationn8. Diffident- lack of faith, hesitant, shy
Sine qua non- condition that must be met in an agreement9. Elucidate- clarify
Quid pro quo- something for something10. Obfuscate- make less clear
Pro tempore- temporarily, for a time11. Insidious- harmful in a smeaky way, trecherous
Ne plus ultra- the best there is, best it can be12. Ubiquitos- to seem to be everywhere
Cui bono?- for what good?13. Perspicacious- hard to fool persoon, not gullable
Per se- for itself, not considering situation around14. Magnanimous- of a great mind, concerned over big things, big hearted
Persona non grata- person not welcome15. Pusillanimous- small minded, cowardly, trivial minded
Tabula rasa- erased tablet, clean slate, past erased16. Corroborate- confirming something, to confirm
Et tu, Brute- And you, Brutus17. Ameliorate- to make better
Vox populi- voice of the people18. Exacerbate- to make worse
Rara avis- a rare bird, uncommon19. Supercilious- high brow, overly proud, arrogant, looking down on others
Non compas mentis- not of sound mind20. Ominous- bad, threatening, unlucky
Tempus fugit- time flys21. Impeccable- flawless, perfect, having no faults
Ars gratia artis- art for the sake of art22. Diurnal- pertaining to daytime
Sui generis- of it's own kind23. Innocuous- no harm, harmless
Terra firma- solid ground, on the ground24. Salubrious- good for you, healthy
In medias res- in the middle of things25. Deleterious- unhealthy, harmful
Alea iacta est- the die is already cast, it's too late to turn back26. Extricate- to set free, to liberate
Morituri te salutamus- we who are about to die, salute you27. Inenuous- very sincere, honest, naive
Dramatis personae- cast of characters, the persons of the drama28. Capitulate- to give up, surrender, yeild
In flagrante delicto- in the blazing crime, caught red handed, caught in the act29. Indefatigable- unable to be tired out, tireless, energetic
Sui cuique- to each his own30. Salient- noticable, prominent, one of the first things to notice
Festina lente- go fast slowly31. Cryptic- hard to figure out, puzzling
Opus magnum- a great work, a masterpiece32. Indolent- lazy, idle, nothing to do
Mea culpa- my fault, I'm to blame33. Pragmatic- practical, feasable
Aurea medicritas- the golden middle, perfect balance34. Proscribe- to forbid, to say don't do it, recommend against
Cum grano sailis- with a grain of salt, it's no big deal35. Ephemeral- not lengthy
Lapsus lirguae- slip of the tounge36. Prolific- productive
Semper fidelis- always faithful37. Plorus-sad
Veni, vidi, vici- I came, I saw, I conquered38. Vacillate- to waveer, to postpone decision because unsure
Prima facie- first face, first impression, first glance39. Succinct- short, to the point
Respice finem- look to the end, think of the consequenses40. Effete- unproductive, barren, empty
Ave atque vale- hello and goodbye, can only stay for a short time41. Quandary- not sure what to do, unsure, a problem
Ad astra per aspera- to the stars, through the mud, you'll achieve highest through hard work42. Acuiesce- to give in, yeild, surrender, to give into somebody else's wishes
Nota bene- note well, take special notation of this43. Garrulous- overly talkative
Non sequitur- does not follow, illogical44. Reticent- quiet shy
Ad infiitum- going on and on, to infinity45. Plethora- too many, over abundance, more than you need
Lex loci- local law, local customs46. Modicum- minimum, small amount, a little bit
Ad hominem- to the man, off issue argument to attack person rather than issue, name calling47. Redundant- repetative, to repeat unnecessarily
Age quod agis- do what you are doing, concentrate on doing one thing at a time48. Adamant- stubborn
Multum in parvo- much in little, sometimes small things are very important49. Assail- to attack, verbally or physically
Habeas corpus- yoou must have the body50. Obstreperous- very noisy, unruly
Errare humanum est- to ere (error) is human, to mistake is human51. Fiat- Let it be done, comand, order
Sic Transit Gloria Mundi- Thus passes the glory of the world, that's what's going to happen to the rest of the world52. Embellish- add our own details
Q.E.D.- Quod Erat Demonstrandum- What was demonstrated, the past has been shown to be true53. Deride- to make fun of by laughing at
Vade mecum- to go with me, something that's always with you or close to54. Auspiciouse-(ant-ominous)- favorable sign
Mirable dictu-(ant- Horrible dictu)- astonishing or wonderful to say, good news55. Inordinate- excessive, out of the ordinary, alittle too much
Horrible dictu-(ant- Mirable dictu)- horrible to say, bad news56. Rancor- bitter anger, bitter hatred
Nil nisi bonum- nothing unless good, if you can't say anything good don't say anything at all57. Panacea- a cure all, cures everything, + or - way, usually bad
Fama volat- gossip flys, move fast58. Volatile- dangerous because very sudden and violent reaction
Vulneratus non victus- wounded but not beaten, down but not out59. Tractable-(ant-recalcitrant)- to be able to be cooperative, obediant
A capite ad calcem- from head to heel, thoroughly60. Sardonic- sarcastic, cutting, bitting
De bono et malo- accept good and bad in life61. Laconic-(syn-succinct)- very brief, to the point
Uti no abouti- use, do not abuse62. Espouse-(ant-Eschew)- adopt as yours, believe in it, accept it
Deus ex machina- god from a machine, miraculous saving of something, unexpected63. Eschew-(ant-Espouse)- avoid, disassociate from, don't accept
Sub rosa- under the rose, secretly64. Sycophant- brown noser
Esse quam videri- to be rather than to seem to be65. Philanthropist-(ant-misanthrope)- very kind generous person who loves mankind
In loco pakentis- In place of the parents66. Misanthrope-(ant-philanthropist)- one who hates people, ba-humbug, scrooge
In hoc signo vinces- in theis sign you will conquer67. Abate- decrease, to lessen
Pax vobiscum- peace be with you (pl) [tecum (sing)]68. Aficionado- a good fan, someone who supports and enjoys something
Labor omnia vincit- work conquers everythinggreek 69. Kudos- praise for something well done, recognition for something
Id est- (i.e.)- that is (example) specifygreek 70. Hubris- arrogant pride, causes downfall
Per diem- through the day, daily
" capita- through the head, each person
" annum- through the year, yearlygreek 71. Anathema- something that should be avoided
Ipso facto- by the fact itself, easy to figure outgreek 72. Charisma- magnetic personality, natural ability to be liked
Quo iure?- by what right, by what law/authority73. Stoic-adj or noun (stoical)- don't go to one extreme or another
greek- Te nosce- know yourself, know who you are74. Exoricate- to skin alive, very angrily scold
Vestro periculo- to your danger, do at your own risk75. Equivocate- trying not to tell the truth but not lie, avoid truth
Ad melior vertamur- let us turn to better things76. Numismatist- coin collecter
Nihil ex nihil- nothing comes from nothing77. Philatelist- stamp collecter
Persta et obdura- be strong and endure78. Neophlyte- a newcomer, rookie
Causus bellil- the cause of war, phony excuse for violence79. Charlatan-person who pretends to be somthing that they're not, imposter
Fortuna favet fortibus- fortune favors the brave80. Miscreant- evil person, never does what supposed to
Occasionem cognoscere- recognize the opportunity81. Pugilist- boxer, fighter
Cicatrix manet- the scar remains, not necessarily literally82. Raconteur- storyteller
Omnis in sui tempore- everything in it's own time83. Sentinel- guard, protecter, someone who stands watch over something
Semper aliter dis- always see both sides, know both sides of a story84. Dilettante- Jack of all trades, master of none, knows a bit of everything but doesn't master any
Hodie tibi, cras mihi- today to you, tomorrow to me, you may have won today but tomorrow I'll win85. Pundit- an expert
Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori- sweet and appropiate to die for your country, those who die for their country are heros86. Pariah- outcast, shuned, banished
Volo non valeo- I want to but I can't, willing but not able87. Scion- heir, one who will inherit, usually a male
Obsta principis- resist evil right from the beginning88. Alumnus, i (alumina, ae)- graduate, enlightened one
Ipse dixit- he said it himself, right from the source, straight from the horese mouth, direct quote89. Jingoist- excessivly patriotic, won't listen to any other reasons
Resurgam- I will rise again90. Stalwart- truely believes in principlces, firm, doesn't back down
His quoque finem- this will end91. Somnambulist- sleepwalker
Ab imo pectore- from the bottom of my heart92. Paladin- anyone heroic, hero, someone who does noble things
Non semper aestas- not always summer, things won't always go the way you want93. Nemesis- archenemy
Littera scripta manet- the written word endures94. Crone- very old, ugly woman, cranky and crotichity
Vita est non vivere- life is not just to exist, there's more to life than just to be95. Curmudgeon- grumpy old man, cranky and crotichity
Facite optima potestis- do the best you are able, do the best you can96. Herald- announcer, announces important news
Spes tibi esse- be your own hope, don't depend on others to get you through97. Sage- wise person
Hoc est labor- this is the work, this is the task, hard work98. Recluse- person who doesn't go out much
Quo vadis?- Where are you going? Where are you going in life?99. Ogre- hideous monster, villain, very mean hearted
Terra incognita- unknown land, unexplored territory100. Vagabond- wanderer, doesn't seem to have a home
Causa principi- for the cause of the principle, it's the principle of the thing